Shrewsbury Cooling

Shrewsbury, PA

Shrewsbury is a borough in York County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 3,823 at the 2010 census. At one time, the land that is now Shrewsbury Borough was part of one large area called Shrewsbury Township. In 1797, Baltzer (Balthaser) Faust began to develop the village by laying out lots on both sides of Joppa Road (later the York-Baltimore Turnpike and now Main Street). The early settlers were mostly German and the town was called Strassburg, which means “the town by the street or road.” By 1830 there was enough of an influx of English people to reinstate “Shrewsbury” as the official name.

Quick Facts:

  • City Established : 1834
    Population Size : 3,871
    Tips to conserve water:

Store drinking water in the refrigerator rather than letting the tap water run every time you want a cool glass of water. This could save hundreds of gallons a month.

Read More About Shrewsbury, PA

AC Repair, Installation & Replacement Shrewsbury, PA

Honest air conditioning repair and replacement for Shrewsbury residents.
Although the winters in Shrewsbury can be freezing, summers are the opposite. The temperatures can skyrocket, leaving you to sweat the summer away. If you want to survive the weather, you need a working air conditioner. That means having a 24-hour air conditioning company that you can depend on.
Reliability Home Services knows how much your AC matters to you. So, we offer ‘round the clock service to our customers. When your cooling system is on the fritz, call us at Reliability Home Services for help. Day or night, we’re here for you.

Contact Us to get your Estimate!

Trusted and Recognized

Keep Your Cool With Our Air Conditioning Services

There’s no protection from the heat of summer like a working air conditioner. After walking into your home on a hot day, the sweet relief of air conditioning is priceless. But your cooling system isn’t perfect, and it could fail you when you need it the most. To remain comfortable and cool, you should call on us for our cooling services.
Take a look at our reviews page to learn more about what makes us so unique. Or, call us to find out more.

Should You Replace Your Air Conditioner?

Will your air conditioning system last 15 years? No one knows how long their system will last. One day, it will be time to replace your air conditioner. To prevent being kept in the heat, you should replace it before you experience total system failure. This means knowing the signs of failure and having a replacement ready to go.
Knowing when it’s time to replace your air conditioner isn’t easy and is best left to the experts. You can count on us at Reliability Home Services to tell you when your system is approaching the end of its life. Then, you can depend on us to help you find a replacement.
Common signs of imminent cooling failure include high energy bills, frequent repairs, and strange noises from your unit. When you install a brand new HVAC system, you reap the benefits of energy of savings and a decreased need for repairs. The savings could make up for the cost of your new air conditioner!
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For years, locals have been trusting us with their cooling needs. Find out first-hand why so many Shrewsbury residents trust us with their home. Experience our high-quality service when you call (443) 399-8663.

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